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New Inductees – SCIVBHOF Inductees by Year

The Southern California Indoor Volleyball Hall of Fame committee selects an induction class each year for recognition. The new members are traditionally inducted at a special ceremony the first Sunday in May in Anaheim, the city that houses the HOF. If you would like an invitation for the next induction event, email us at

Class of 2024

Michael Boehle

Matt Fuerbringer

Linda Chisholm

Adam Johnson

Walt Ker


Nancy Owen-Fortner

Erik Sullivan

Charlie Jackson
Lifetime Service Award

Class of 2023

Cynthia Barboza-Wilkes

Albert Gasparian

Ninja Jorgensen

Kristin Klein Keefe

Rich Lambourne

Miki McFadden


Mary Perry

Bill Stetson
Lifetime Service Award

Class of 2022

DaeLea Aldrich

Doug Dannevik


David Lee

Jim McLaughlin

Rick Olmstead

Don Shaw

Rosie Wegrich

Elaine Youngs

Alice Chambers Sanchez
Lifetime Service Award

Class of 2021

Wink Davenport

Wink Davenport 2021

Bernie Holtzman

Bernie Holtzman-2021

Tim Hovland

Tim Hovland 2021

John Hyden

John Hyden 2021

Tammy Leibl

Tammy Leibl 2021

Holly McPeak

Holly McPeak 2021

Ryan Millar

Ryan Millar 2021

Sharon Peterson

Sharon Peterson 2021

Reid Priddy

Reid Priddy 2021

Fred Sturm

Fred Sturm 2021

Sue Woodstra

Sue Woodstra 2021

Linda Murphy
Lifetime Service Award

Linda Murphy-2021

Class of 2020 

Harlan Cohen 

Terry Condon

Dixie Grimmett

Jack Henn

Ernie Hix

Alan Knipe

Duncan McFarland

Jeff Nygaard

Manuel ‘Manny’ E. Saenz

Gary Sato

Troy Tanner

Jane Ward

Tonya ‘Teee’ Williams Slacanin

Charlie Brande
Lifetime Service Award

Sue Gozansky
Lifetime Service Award

Class of 2019

Jeanne Beauprey-Reeves

Denise Corlett

Jean Gaertner

Mick Haley

Tayyiba Haneef-Park

Kirk Kilgour

Debbie Landreth Brown

Patti Lucas Bright

Bill Olsson

April Ross

Eric Sato

Liane Sato

Dave Saunders

Paul Sunderland

Rudy Suwara

Bob Yoder

Ann Davenport
Lifetime Service Award

Pat and Sharkie Zartman,
Lifetime Service Award